Our Mission is ...
Transforming Communities by...
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the TRANSFORMATION of the world. (Matthew 28:19-20)
What we value most ...
Loving JESUS, loving others to JESUS, and
loving others for JESUS!
Join Us!
We have a wonderful well equipped nursery with a tv for service if you need a diaper change or quiet space for your little. But families with babies and noisy littles are always welcomed and loved in service.
Worship starts at 10 AM, with coffee and fellowship before and after.
Sunday School begins at 9 AM.
Looking for our online stream of the Sunday service? You can find the live on our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/PulaskiParkUMC
Online Worship
We are offering worship services both in-person and online and would love for you to join either of our communities!
For those who prefer to worship from home, we are offering the service on both Facebook and YouTube. You may view the service live or at your own convenience). Comment or like to let us know you're watching!
How does a disciple grow?
Jesus calls us to be disciples, and then helps us grow.
Click below to find out how!
Office Hours:
Tuesday 9:30-1
Thursday 9:30-1
Friday 10-1
Spiritual Growth
Ash Wednesday Service : March 5th at 7 pm.
Lectionary Bible Study: Tuesdays at 10 pm
"Unshakeable Hope" Bible Study: Meets Tuesdays at 1 PM
Ash Wednesday Service : March 5th at 7 pm.
Lenten Study "24 Hours That Changed the World": Starts Sunday 3/2 at 9 am for 6 weeks.
Youth Group: Meets on Friday nights at 6:30 for games and fellowship.
Springbrook Bible Study: 1st and 2nd Thursdays of the month at 10:00 am (meets at Springbrook Apts)
Sunday School: 9 AM Sunday mornings
Save the Date
Free Food Distribution - Wed 3/12/25 at 1:30.
(No documentation needed.)